A Birthday Gift for my Wife

Some men struggle knowing what to buy their better half for her birthday! I know my husband does. A bunch of flowers? A night out? When faced with the dilemna of what to buy your wife however on her first birthday after having given birth to your child?? Hmm, tricky...

The rise of the Newborn Photography shoot!

The rise of the newborn photography shoot! What is this all about I hear you ask? Newborn Photography has become more and more popular over the last 5 years. Taking photos of brand new babies in the first few weeks of life…what’s not to love! The newborn...

The joy Grandchildren bring!

I can’t speak from personal experience about being a grandparent…that’s a good few years off yet! However I meet so many lovely and doting grandparents at my photo shoots. The love and adoration they feel for their grandchildren is somewhat...

Celebrating the 1st Birthday!!

Your little one turning 1 is a really important milestone. So how do you go about celebrating the 1st Birthday?? Every family is different and has different ideas on how to celebrate that very special birthday. I think with your first child, the occasion is all the...

Newborn Baby Photography Stockport

Newborn Baby Photography Stockport has grown in popularity dramatically in recent years. The rush for parents to get the best newborn photos and have a baby photoshoot has become a priority. Photographing babies Photographing babies….lay them down on a blanket...