Some men struggle knowing what to buy their better half for her birthday! I know my husband does. A bunch of flowers? A night out? When faced with the dilemna of what to buy your wife however on her first birthday after having given birth to your child??
Hmm, tricky one I here you say….
What present says ‘You amaze me and I’m so unbelievably proud of you, you incredible woman….’
You guessed it….
A photoshoot!
Olie, you nailed it! Not only did Olie think of the idea and book it…he also booked it for Catherine’s actual birthday. All cheese aside-what better gift than the gift of beautiful memories of their family and beautiful baby girl Isla.

Isla was 4 months old for her session and she was perfect from start to finish. She stunned us with her beautiful big eyes. She couldn’t help but smile when she was with her mummy and daddy too, creating some really lovely natural images.
Few words are really needed here other than to say that we had such a lovely time creating these images and both Olie and Catherine were really chuffed with the final product. They are coming this week to collect their wall art which I cannot wait to show them too.

To book your Baby Photography or Family Session drop me an email at
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