Newborn Photography near Bramhall, Stockport

Mia Carlotta

I’ve never photographed a newborn baby who suited black and white images so much! Usually in a gallery I will do some images in black and white, particularly the smaller details and macro shots of the feet and fingers but Mia looked so stunning that I was blown away. She has a really neutral gallery and I absolutely love it! She was a great baby to photograph. Despite only coming from down the road in Bramhall she had fallen fast asleep in the car and although she raised a few eyelids at some of our choice of headbands (probably), she was the sweetest little thing.

Her two older brothers came for a couple of snaps a week after the newborn shoot and I’m really happy with the way the images have turned out. It’s always hard work getting younger children to sit or lie still, but after a bit of bargaining we got there! 

Family Lifestyle Photography, Cheadle Hulme, Stockport

A visit from Australia

My sister flew over in March for a visit. She moved to Perth, Australia just over 2 years ago and we haven’t seen her since. It was lovely to have her home and we were lucky to not only see her, but also to meet her beautiful new daughter Indie. Indie was 5 months old at the time and was such a calm and peaceful baby.

I think the weather was a bit of a shock for them both but when they were home we managed to get some nice photographs of the two of them and my dad! As always, we don’t like posed and forceful shots, but prefer the natural and ‘in the moment’ snaps! 

These were taken at Happy Valley in Bramhall on a crisp and sunny day (believe it or not).

Newborn Photography in Stockport, Cheshire

Sweet Gabriella

Gabriella came to see us back in February….yes, I know that was a long while ago and I do keep meaning to blog but I never quite get round to it! New ‘half year’ resolution to make I think!

Gabriella was an absolute delight! Granted, she wasn’t very sleepy and clearly was far more interested in having a nosey at what Joanne and I were upto…but she was so dinky and gorgeous that I couldn’t help but laugh at her and coo over her cute little noises! I actually went to school with both of Gabriella’s parents and haven’t seen them since, so it was lovely to catch up after 15 years and talk about where university and life had taken us! After such a long time it was funny that we were now talking about schools for ‘our’ children and life as a family in the Cheadle Hulme and Bramhall areas after being kids ourselves there. 

Anyway, back to Gabriella! At just over two weeks old she was very alert, but we soon discovered when we wrapped her up that she was in fact really tired! A few cuddles, some milk and a burp later her overwhelming need for sleep outweighed her curiosity and she was snoring away!

Usually before a newborn photography shoot I will ask parents if they have any colour preferences. The majority of the time we will go with what the parents request happily, but sometimes we find that the baby doesn’t suit certain colours so we have to re-think and adapt our set-up. Gabriella’s mum, Angelica had asked for the shoot to be quite girly. As she already has twin boys, she was all for some full on pinks and cute headbands. During the shoot though, the more colours we put next to Gabriella, the more we realised she looked amazing in everything so we used a variation to give a wider selection of photographs for her gallery. 

I really love this gallery and so I wanted to share some of her photos with you on the blog. If you are thinking of booking your new baby in for a newborn photo shoot, or if you are pregnant and want to know a bit more about what is involved, then please get in touch. You can contact me personally using the number or email address on our contact page, or via our facebook page _ 

We take bookings from as early as your 20 week scan and always recommend booking in before your newborn arrives if possible, so that we can guarantee you a slot. The newborn shoots need to take place between 5-10 days after the baby is born so we book out potential slots using your due date as a guideline. 

Newborn Baby Photographers in Cheadle Hulme, Stockport, Cheshire

Baby Freddie came to meet us back in February. He was such a beautiful baby to photograph which was no surprise given how stunning his mummy is. We managed to get through various poses as he was quite settled and slept well between feeds. It was nice to see mum and dad able to get some rest and relaxation time during the shoot. I always try to provide a calm and peaceful environment for parents during these sessions. I light candles and dim the lights so that they can use the time to recuperate after a stressful couple of weeks. 

Please take a look at baby Freddie’s pictures. He really was a cutie <3